July 2022 - August 2022

Team members
Vedika Basarkar
Sourajit Bhattacharjee

UXplorer’22 is design competition organized by YUJ Designs. UXplorer’22 offers an excellent platform for students to exhibit their elegant, human-centred product ideas.

Theme for this competition was Design of Digital Wellness by providing digital solution. Challenge brief was as given below:

Social media is being perceived as a source of happiness today, but it often leads to stress and anxiety. And since we end up checking our phones every 4 minutes, 344 times a day, digital wellness has become more important than ever.

The biggest challenge therefore is to Design for Digital Wellness to:
• Safeguard sanity in a hyperconnected world
• Strike a balance between the real and reel life
• Minimize information overload

Design Process

To understand brief and to come up with solution in limited time, we preferred to follow double diamond method.

But during finalising the concept, we again had to do research so mostly we followed double diamond with little back and forth of domain research.

Research and Synthesis - First Diamond
Basic overview
Understanding terms

• Social media - Websites and Applications that focus on communication, community-based input, interaction, content-sharing and collaboration..

• Mental well-being - State that enables people to cope with the stress of life, realize their abilities, learn well & work well, and contribute to their community.

• Digital well-being - Term used to describe the impact of technologies and digital services on people's mental, physical, social and emotional health.

But First of all, is it worth working?

Google trend for "Social media" shows that the interest over social media has increased considerably over time and is still on a rise.

Google trend for "Digital wellbeing" shows that the interest over Digital wellbeing has boomed suddenly in past few years and it seems to stay due to increasing awareness.

Studying the trend justifies that the domain is worth looking into and looking for Design gaps.

Looking into the numbers
for understanding users
Source: Kepios Analysis Report and respective platform business repots

This is a huge number of users which are mutually included for using different social media platforms. Followings are some big social media platforms which has great active number of users.

Looking into the numbers
for relation with digital wellness
Source: Deloitte, Qualtrics and Accel, Common Sense Media, Cigna, and Nielsen.

88% People use Smartphones and 95% of them use it everyday.

150 is the average number of times millennials check their phone per day

70% teens use social media multiple times a day and 16% of them feel addicted to it

18% people feel lonely despite using social media on a regular basis. and overall 47% people feel a lack of in-person communication

According to sources 11 hrs is average daily consumption of media per day.

Fun fact that 40% of people are aware of overusing their phones.

Questions were :

Are we in Control of social media?
What is reason behind people spending lot of time?
If people are aware of overusage then are they doing something about it?

Looking into the numbers
for people's perception

A study by Google EMEA gives a lot of insights on how people perceive activities related to Media Consumption

Checking Notifications came out to be a major distraction that’s pushing people to consume media

What the current News Articles say?
People are in general aware of the issues of overconsumption of media but still can’t control the urges.
Many undergraduate students experience Phantom vibrations or feeling of Notifications.
Notifications came across as a major distraction element.
Overuse of social media also affecting their physical health, like obesity, backpain, etc.
Lot of people complain of mental health issues and lack of time due to social media.
People were found to be stuck in a vicious cycle of social media apps where they kept using 3-4 of them in a loop.
Although lot of companies are targeting mental wellbeing, but don’t implement hard features, possibly due to its negative impact on their usage and sales.
Literature Study
Some Identified Issues

Reduction in Attention Span


Negative Cardiovascular Impacts

Cognitive Dysfunction

Social Anxiety

Suicidal Urges

Decreased Empathy



Body Dysmorphia

Irregular Sleep Cycle

Disconnect with real world

Reduced Communication Abilities

Spending more than 3 hours on social media per day puts adolescents at a higher risk for mental health problems

What is the root problem?
Source: Psychology behind mobile addiction by lemonade blog
It's the Notifications
Source: Livaditi, Vassilopoulou, Lougos, & Chorianopoulos, 2002; Bianchi & Phillips, 2005

There are different resources to get notifications on your phone. Complex cognitive, emotional, and behavioral functioning gets hampered as brain starts working on emergency mode, resulting in anxious and stressful behavior.

Let's understand and study the available digital solutions in market
Potential opportunities
Minor Gaps

1. The UI in most of the apps had glitches.

2. The ones with good and calming UI had problems with the UX of setting limits.

3. Many of the apps were based on numbers and facts. It might lead to further information overload for the users which is not intentional.

4. Maintaining the calmness of users while taking decision has not been catered to.

Major Gaps

1. None of the applications work across devices and are only limited to phones. Considering people are seeking rehab from phone, it could be a great missed opportunity.

2. The basis of most apps rely on forcefully making people not use phones or show them stats so that they don’t use phones. This often leads to more guilt.

3. Most of the apps rely on the user to set limits. Now users might tend to overestimate their ability to resist temptation. Inability to fulfil the task might lead them to give up easily.

Stakeholder study
Stakeholder Identification

The Exchange of Information in Social Media Platforms consists of the following Stakeholders

Stakeholder Focus group

A small Focus Group was conducted with people in the age group of 18-42 to generate insights and narrow down to a problem

Stakeholder Survey

A survey was conducted to validate the secondary research and also check the user behaviour between age 18 to 65 years old. There were patterns in social media usage.

Average time spent on these platforms

There were various ill effects stated during this survey. Some of those were listed below:

• Depression

• Performace anxiety

• FOMO on Trends

• Jealousy/ Envy

• Tiredness

• Inferior Complex

• Suicidal Thoughts

• Unconsciously Open Instagram

• Attention Deficiency

• Addiction

• Content Overload

• Fluctuations in Thoughts

• Stress

• Negative Aspirations

• Continuous Distraction from Notifications

Survey Observations

74.2% accepted that social media overuse is bad for mental health

22.6% parents monitor the phone usage for their children to reduce addiction

75.3% parents have noticed the ill effects of social media in their children

Almost 90% of the people who experienced the ill-effects of Social Media have tried to take steps to reduce it. A positive intent can be seen.

The steps taken by the users were mostly the obvious steps suggested online. But a majority of them failed.

Users downloaded apps to defeat other apps. Ultimately the phone is accessed in both cases, which could be a problem.

On further questioning the survey participants, it was found that Screen Timers added guilt to the already existing Emotions with same outcome.

Those who are planning to take a step are confused which method would be the best considering the wide array of options available online.

Nobody was considering an option of Offline Self Help or Rehabilitation from Addiction since they didn’t see this as a severe issue.

Persona One

43, Co-founder, Aviato

“It’s really hard to control screen time of my children when I am away from them.”
Pain points

• It’s hard to keep children away from mobile when I am not around.

• Children start throwing tantrum and becoming more impatient cause of continous use.

• Job demands working on mobile. Children see and start immitating.


• Reduce screen time of children.

• Taking care of children’s physical as well as mental health.

• Reduce curiosity towards social media and reduce it’s influence.

• Monitor their use of application and restrict use.

Persona Two

19, Student, IIT Rourkela

“Social media is becoming a bad addiction for me”
Pain points

• It’s hard to control the urge of using social media.

• Ending up spending more time than expected.

• Not able to focus on studying when notifications keeping pinging.

• One after another social media is spread even if you remove any.


• Reduce usage of social media and overall mobile.

• Increase ability to focus while working.

• Should be aware of time spent on different applications.

• To tackle with continuous distraction by notifications.

• Create meaningful connections.

Persona Three

32, Product manager, Hublo

“I need stress free life without mobile”
Pain points

• I have to use mobile for my work purpose, which strains my eyes and head after some time.

• Other than work, I get many notifications from social media platforms, which takes up lot of time.

• Since lockdown my use of mobile has also increased way too much and it’s affecting my mental and physical health.


• Optimise screen time as much possible.

• Reduce distractions while working.

• Reduce stress, anxiety, headache.

• Improve mental health and physical health.

• Reduce Notification count.

User Journey

Following is a scenario for one of persona

Affinity Mapping
Pain points

Excessive screen time creating imbalance in personal and professional life

Inability to cut off influence of social media

Inability to leave phones alone

With every notification users check their phones

Low attention span

Even without notification, users check their looking for missed notifications

Users have the intent but aren’t able to maintain healthy screen habits

Emotional disconnect

Lack of offline engagement with community

Constant Distractions

Deteriorating Physical and Mental Health

Laxed attitude towards Addiction

Lack of ecosystem to keep Phones away


Reduce over usage of social media and mobile as well

Reduce interruption of notifications generated by applications

Monitoring of application use and if possible content as well

Creating distance between children and mobile or social media

Need of breaking streak of continous usage of every application

Monitor physical and mental health


Spending more time Offline with real People

Lower Cognitive Load from Phones

A healthy lifestyle mentally and socially

Defining the Problem
Problem statement

Designing a means to allow users to indulge in tech, rehabilitate from their addiction of social media by cutting them out of the notification dopamine reward cycle in order to lead a healthier lifestyle.

Vision statement

A digital non-phone based system/ application that allows users to cut off notifications without being harsh on the users’ habits or behaviour that they adopt as a part of their lifestyle.

Ideation and Implementation - Second Diamond
If Not Phones, then What?

What else are people carrying every time that might help in reducing screen time?

Brainstorming on Ideas
Redefining problem

Designing an Application to allow people using Smart Wearables from their addiction of social media by cutting them out of the notification dopamine reward cycle in order to lead a healthier lifestyle.


Out of many ideas, some were finalised as shown below

Finalising Device

Considering the pros and cons of each, and also the application areas of all the devices, smartwatches were decided to be the main application area.

Final Concept

• Reminding users to not use phones through Vibrations.

• Giving out vibrations using Smartwatches to distract user.

• Controlling vibrations to make users feel calm after distraction.

• Using AI to study the user’s behaviour and health data.

• Making quick decisions if user is using social media a lot and sending feedback.

• Also checking current state of users and suggesting activities to do.

• Using calm images and animations to distract users from notifications.

• Studying unlock durations and predicting temptations using AI.

• App doesn’t require support from phone, hence keeping it out of loop.

• Using games to distract users in case of boredom.

• A parental mode could be provided for parents of teens .

Vibration and It's working
Finding Vibration Pattern
Source: -Kelling, C., Pitaro, D., & Rantala, J. (2016, October). Good vibes: the impact of haptic patterns on stress levels. In Proceedings of the 20th International Academic Mindtrek Conference (pp. 130-136).

The intensity reduces to calm the nerves and the frequency increases so that the brain doesn’t get distracted instantly. Also, the pattern follows the Fibonacci series which has been proven to be pleasing by research.

Merging with sound

The vibrations could also be merged with an amplifier to give out calming sounds corresponding to the vibrations produced by the motor. But this would limit to devices which have amplifiers/ speakers.

The servo motor inside Wearables can be controlled using a simple code executed through the product. The intensity of vibrations as well as the frequency can be controlled through it

Information Architecture
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